
The Bad Guys

Grace asks a lot of question.  A LOT of question.  ALL THE TIME.

Tonight, we were stumped.

Are there bad guys on the other side of the ocean?  Yes there are, Grace.

Are there bad guys in America?  Well, yes there are, Grace.

Are they going to come in my house and get me?  Ummmmmmmmmmmmmm.........................

She asked us if the bad guys have guns, if they were going to come in her house with the guns, and even said we should just stay inside all the time so they cant find us.

We want to be honest with her about it but wow - we weren't really prepared for that one.  First of all, we have no idea where she got these ideas about bad guys.  I want her to understand that there are bad guys out there and that is why following rules like staying close to us when we are out is important.  But being afraid - I dont want that for her.

Bad guys are out there.  They are across the ocean and the evening news is full of stories about bad guys here.  But most people are good.  I have to believe that and I want her to believe that.  When we were kids, my mom thought nothing of letting us play outside along or walking to my friend's house a mile away.  These days - NO WAY.  Its sad really but thats the way it is now.

Now to find a way to explain it to Grace without scaring her.


Bri said...

I find a lot of those kind of questions come from when we visit grandparents houses who watch the news all day. Just exposure to that and hearing it -IMO- is unnecessary. So we don't watch the news. I read it on cnn.com or whatever but don't let the kids hear it on tv or in the car. Innocence only lasts for so long. :)

Together We Save said...

It is so hard to let kids know dangers and not scare them. We don't watch much news at our house.