

I was glued to the tv all day yesterday and all night and again, glues to the radio during my commute this morning.

How can this happen? Where does Virgin.ia Te.ch go from here?

I am in shock over it all. My brother has friends at the school and has gotten in touch with one of them. He is still trying to reach others. I have friends who are VT alumni. Its just unbelieveable what happened there yesterday.

Thats all I can say about it.
Update: Listening to the news conference right now. The shock just increases that the gu.nman's residence is listed as my home town. The place I grew up and went to high school. The place where so many of my firends and my parents still live. I just cant believe it.


Bri said...

It's just nuts. Our niece is a senior there - we couldn't get ahold of her until 4. Everyone was freaking out. She's fine - as is her boyfriend but omigosh - the legacy these kids are left with. The parents who thought their kids were safe. I can't even imagine. I still can't believe it.

Unknown said...

Apparently the shooter is from NoVA.....right in our backyard! SCARY!!!! Its like a numb feeling around here since SO many people in this area have ties to the school.

Unknown said...

So scary and so sad :(