
When It Doubt, Choose Answer (C)

My CMP test was yesterday.

I walked into the testing room anxious and worried and terrified and a little defeated, actually. Its been a rough month; I didnt study as much as I wanted to, and the idea of failing this test makes me nauseous. But I walked into the room and sat down with my #2 pencils and calculator.

3 hours later, I left the room. The next room I entered was an Irish Pub in DC for a much needed adult beverage with the other test takers from my study group.

What's done is done. Now I have 6 weeks to wait for the results.

Ogh......its going to be a long 6 weeks!


-L said...

Aww, what happened to that confident yet exhausted person I talked to yesterday?

I'm sure you did well! Here's to hoping those 6 weeks fly by :)

Bri said...

I'm sure you did great! I was wondering how long the test was - I didn't want to call in the middle of it.

6 weeks will FLY by. You have enough going on to occupy your mind. You'll probably get the test results in the mail and be like - oh yeah, forgot about that! :P