Somebody (or something or some power---whatever you believe) came up with this crazy idea at some point in time to make each day 24 hours long. Could someone tell me who that was so I can order another hour or so?! Great, thanks!
Lately, I am finding myself with less and less time at home. I love to be at home with my family and wish I had more quality time with my family. But the groceries must be shopped for and my paycheck must come home every other week. And yes, my time with my friends is important too.
This past weekend was so much fun for me. Hubby and I went on a great VA winery tour with a bunch of friends on Saturday. Grace spent all day long with my parents. Sunday was spent at at Taste of Home Entertaining party. I saw Grace when she woke up on Saturday, when she woke up on Sunday, and for about 30 minutes before she went to be on Sunday. I missed her.
At work, I have 65 days until the largest conference I have ever planned and the stress has kicked in for me!!!! I have 8 hours a day to do 11 hours worth of work so I am finding myself working at the kitchen table after Grace's bedtime----so much for actually talking to my Hubby.
It kind of scares me, to be honest. When I was 3, my mother was in the hospital for 3 months on bedrest, pregnant with my sister. I saw her every single day but for the most part, I spent all my time with my babysitter and my dad. We bonded. Even today, my dad is one of my favorite people in the world. All the times I have gotten angry at my mother, I probably should have been angry at my dad as well but in my mind, my dad can do no wrong. I dont want that to happen to me and my Gracie. I want her to love her Daddy but am I completely selfish if I want Grace to love me and want me just as much as her Daddy (maybe sometimes more!)!?
If only I had one more hour in the day.....then everything could get done and I could still see my family during quality time...NOT running through the motions of everyday.
Well - what we do when we find we've taken on too much is set an end goal for the craziness. The house remodel makes me feel like a single parent but I know that it will all be over shortly. We do 2 solid weeks of house work - every night till midnight - weekends 9-midnight and then take a weekend off and go somewhere. It makes it easier to do what we have to do to know there's an end in sight...
Supermom...I hear you about the time. I ended up fleeing the work world and becoming a stay at home mom because I felt like time was flying by. I'm not suggesting you flee your job, but I'm just saying that I understand the time crunch. It seems as though since I left work that my life is all better now, even though we're not as financially stable. But I get up in the morning with Livy, and we start out slowly, just enjoying each other. Then we eat breakfast, play outside, take a walk, and I watch her beautiful face all day. Then on some nites I go out with friends for dinner, and on some weekends the hubby and I go out. I think the actual quality of my life has improved greatly. I just feel like I'm giving us a gift, and that gift is time together. Noone can take this time away from me, and I won't be mad at myself later for running around like a crazy woman all the time. I feel like you run around alot and it reminds me of how I used to be. You're probably nothing like how I used to be , but after reading the post I realized that people still live these really busy lives and I hope that your life allows you to take time and enjoy the view...after the big conference anyways!! :)
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