
Shaken, Not Stirred

After 9 1/2 years as a parent, I feel like I have a system in place that works for us...most of time.  Hubby and I have a shared calendar app on our phones that also acts as the shared grocery list; all the kids' activities, doctor appointments, playdates, and important school events are listed on the calendar.  We talk about the upcoming days shuttle schedule each night.  And we basically have the household chores divided in a way that we both have things to get done every day.
And then #3 came.   And our life was definitely shaken up.

Seriously, Kid #1 changed our lives back then.  No longer were we hanging out at the favorite bar on any given night and no longer were we out late.  And really, so much changes when Baby moves in.  #2 made life a little more busy --- more laundry, less free time for Mom and Dad as we were now playing man-on-man defense, and just general to do items.  

And along came Little Miss #3.  To say she was a shock to our family system is an understatement.  Oh how I love that little baby girl - her sweet smile, the baby coos that are starting, and oh the baby cuddles each night when it is just her and I rocking.  

When I was pregnant, I knew in the back of my mind that it was going to be crazy for a bit adding another baby to our mix.  But I really did think it would be a few weeks of crazy and then we would slide right back into our normal routines with an added little girl along for the ride.  I WAS WRONG!  

Need to be somewhere at a specific time?  No more packing up the kids and jumping in the car in 15 minutes.  Nope - takes me a solid 30-45 minutes to get the three of them in coats, diaper bag checked and re-packed as needed, and then kids buckled in the car.  Bonus points for me if I am actually wearing any makeup!  No matter how much I plan ahead, an outing does not pass with a meltdown by the toddler or the baby spits up all over my "real clothes" that I sometimes attempt to wear again or the 9 year old has an outfit crisis cause there is nothing to wear!  And then as soon as we are in the car, I realize my cell phone is on the table or I forgot the toddlers cup in the fridge or maybe even the keys.   #3 came and my brain has turned to mush.  

And staying home with the kids isn't much easier.  Everything just takes longer. Sure we only added ONE person to our mix here but its an exponential add in terms of the madness in this house.  Its go go go go all the time -- even on those "lazy days at home" (I laugh as I type that!!!).  Someone always need something - a snack, a diaper, help with homework, to be fed, or help calming down from a meltdown.  

Every night around 9pm, Hubby and I finally get to talk -- I finally get to hear about his day at the office or we can talk about the kids and plan the next day.  

The house is crazier, messier, busier, and more full of happiness and love than ever.  I wouldn't change it for the world.....though a couple more hours of sleep would do this mama good!!!!! 

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Super mom, you've got what it takes to do what you need to and do it well.
The night I met you, I was out scouting for emplyees to recruit to come work for me.
Back then you were awesome, one of the best! We met a few days later and I hired you.
The memories we made, the laughs, our experiences of working together, doing what it took , those days were a great launch pad for the years that have followed.
I admired you then and still do today.
Today Im simply YOUR cheer leader from a distance. I love you! NiCee