
Coming in Late April 2011

Surprised!?  Yeah, us too. But after the shock wore off, we have found ourselves so excited.  And Grace is simply beside herself and very anxious to be a big sister.  

For years, we had said "No more.  One and done.  Our family is fine the way it is."  And that was, and still is, very true.  In public, we rarely wavered from those statements.  A few of my very closest friends witnessed my baby-itis over the past few years but all in all, our family was complete with just the three of us.  Well, over the past year, Hubby and I have had a few chats about it - we weren't ready to declare that we wanted another baby but we also were not ready to say that we were definitely absolutely done adding to the family.  If we were blessed with another, fabulous.  And if not, that was great too.  

Now, here we are........seven years since I was pregnant with Grace, getting ready to do it all over again.  And I am so excited.  
9week sonogram 


Anonymous said...

Absolutely beautiful Jaime. We couldn't be more excited for you guys!

Bradley Campbell said...

Precongrats Im very happy for you the gift of life was just given to my wife and I early November, nice looking blog and keep those pictures coming who dosent love to see ultrasound pictures of a perfect new little life ,http://googlegivingtree.blogspot.com
Congrats again