
Movin' On Up

This week is the beginning of the end for me at the current Job Location. That's right---I gave my notice on Monday and am starting a new job at the end of this month.

I am very excited. And in a position now that I have never been in.

One of the priorities for me in the next 2 weeks is to replace myself. At first, this was really exciting for me. I was going to be able to help my company find someone who has the exact skills I see as essential for them. Who better to do that than someone who knows all the staff members and their expectations? I still agree with that and honestly, I would feel better when I leave knowing that there is someone sitting at my desk. Especially since the conference is only a few months away and there is still much to do.

Today I posted the job. In 4 hours, I had 3 complete cover letters and resumes. All of them are people I know well and work with in my professional association. Its a little weird for me. They dont know they submitted resumes for the same job their friend did but I do. And they are calling me to ask me about salary; I despise talking money with people who arent my best friends---its just a touchy subject, you know?

So I am trying to simply forward resumes to the boss without thinking too much about it. Its hard but in 2 weeks and 1 day, it wont matter anymore cause I am moving on up!!!


Anonymous said...

Congratulations!!! I'm sure you are super excited. I wish you the best of luck!

agoodwitchtoo said...

Now I've got the theme to the Jeffersons in my head... Good luck!