
Conference is going great! Thanks for asking.

So, here I sit.......working on my notes from the first day of conference, finishing my glass of wine, and wishing I brought a sweatshirt to my lanai right now (it gets chilly at night here!).

And 20 miles away, the fires are burning.

I worked a 15 hour day today so I havent seen the news in a few hours.....but I am getting reports from the web and the City of Sa.n Die.go. I know there are fires there and I know how bad it looks on tv.

Downtown San Diego is fine. The conference hotel is about 20 miles away from the closest fire. We can see the hazy smoke in the sky and, if the wind blows just right, we might be able to smell the fire for 2 seconds. But other than that, it is business as usual at the conference hotel. Today, the sun was shining and kids were playing in the resort pool. See the pics----took these today----no fire.....its fine here. The fires are not in downtown SD.

And everytime I look at my Blackbe.rry, 58 new emails arrive asking for status updates on the fires (do I look like a fireman!?!?!) and/or to cancel their registration cause they are watching the news and think the hotel is next to go up in flames.

So, yes, conference is going freakin' awesome.

I want to go home. Yesterday.

1 comment:

Bri said...

come baaaaaack (in my best Dori - yelling at the whale- voice)