
To My Friends and My Family

The past 2 weeks have been some of the most trying times I can remember. Somehow, I have managed to come out of it okay. Today is my first day back at work and I finally have moments to myself. There is quiet all around me. There is no one asking for a drink or lunch or medicine or just needing me to do anything. I can simply sit at my desk and work on my own. Quietly. I love the quiet.

But sitting here, alone, has me thinking----how the hell did I make it through the past month!? I definintely didnt do it alone. But I have been so wrapped up in all my worries and my stresses and my problems that I forgot to take a breathe and look around all all the people standing around Hubby and I.

There are a few individual thank-yous that I need to get out there:

L: Thank you from the bottom of my heart for enduring 6 hours in the hospital waiting room with me and my entire crazy family. Gossip mags in hand, you showed up early in the morning to sit while we waiting for Hubby's surgery to end. Great friends are sometimes hard to find. I feel so blessed to have found one in you. Thank you for all of it....it meant so much to my family (me, Hubby, and Grace) that you were there with us.

The KDR gang and Friend-Family (you all know who you are!): The simple voice mails and emails while Hubby was in the hospital and when he got home----it is so nice to know that we have friends out there who care about us and love us so much. Thank you.

My parents and sister: Grace made it through the initial surgery up-heaval of her life so easily and that is because of you. Clearing your schedules, making sure she was taken care of so that I could take care of Hubby. I knew she was happy and safe and loved. I could not have managed the 2 weeks at the hospital and at home without your help. Grace loves you all so much. Hubby and I are eternally grateful.

Thank you. To all my friends, family.

1 comment:

-L said...

I'd do it again in a heartbeat :)

So glad that he's recovering so well, and so quickly!