Kara over at CapeBuffalo started a Mother's Day collaboration and now has added a Father's Day collaboration and so I am crashing the party with my Father's Day post.
Fathers and daughters have a romance
That goes on for the rest of their lives,
Destined to ripen and age as they dance
Through the days of their husbands and wives.
Up near the surface their love is distinct,
Like a garden surveyed in the sun,
In which seedtime and full bloom are credibly linked
By a consciousness shared and hard won.
Deep down below,
where the world is a dream,
And the dream is a world of its own,
All manner of memories the moments redeem
In a place where one's never alone.
-Author Unknown
I am a Daddy's girl. Always have been and always will be. Grace had her Daddy wrapped around her little pinky finger from the moment she was born.

I see the same thing happening with Hubby and Grace. Whenever he walks into a room, her face lights up. She hugs him tighter, kisses him more, and he loves her completely. When he was away in Europe, Grace talked about Daddy from the moment she woke up and it was always the last thing she said at bedtime. The look on her face when he got off the plane was priceless!
Hubby is a fantastic father. He protects, provides, plays, and most importantly, loves his family
so deeply.

Isnt it amazing to watch your partner/husband/etc turn from the guy you used to go partying with on Friday night to the man who carries your sleepy child to her bed every night!? I fall in love with Hubby more and more every time I see the two of them together.
Happy Father's Day to all the daddies out there.
Hubby--I love you. Grace loves you. Thank you for all that you do for us. You are our hero.
Very sweet post!
I'm not all that sentimental but this one got me.
Thank goddness for crahsers ;)
What a man! You guys really are wonderful together and wonderful parents. Now just talk Hubs into sharing the wealth with Baby #2! Gracie is so blessed :)
Yea for crashers! That was beautiful.
Just came over from Kara's site.
Happy Father's Day to all.
Nice post.
nice post...
happy Father's Day to all fathers and their beloved girls...
great post!
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