But on the other hand......the all-black outfits of everyone in my office, the empty bank account, and the realization that we dont have a choice in how poor we feel today is the focus today. 'Cause today is Ta.x Day. Bah-humbug!
Normally, we spend weeks working on our taxes. Pouring over every single little piece of paper, trying to find all the deductions we can, and watching the little ticker on the top left corner of the screen turn from green (yea---refund!) to red (oh, nope, we are poor!).
It was red last night. And depressing.
But in the end, there is a glimmer of hope for us. 'Cause next year we will have a great deduction that we have never had before (maybe we will actually get a refund next year---imagine that!!!). Interest. Yes, that is right. After 4 years of dealing with my mother-in-law's estate, we signed mortgage papers this week.
We got screwed on the refund (or lack there of) this year too. I CANNOT wait till next year when we get interest AND closing costs. WOO HOOOO!!!!
I'm soooo happy for you!
DUDE---are closing costs tax deductible!? Cause that would MAKE MY YEAR!!!!!
You betcha baby :) I'm not sure which ones but points and some of the costs are. Every little bit, right?!
we're happy for you both. Congratulations and welcome to the REAL poor house. lol
- kb
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