I am at a loss for inspiration this week. Probably because I am waiting for a call to change my daily routine at the same time we are waiting for the call to tell us our mortgage payment. Oh AND just life in general is busy here lately.
SO here are some cute pics from the last week.....including some great Bo.n Jov.i pics from the concert last week.
Me, Kristin, and Laura at a pre-Bon Jovi party. Free marg.artias make everything fun!

Oh, Bo.n J.ovi. He's even hotter now than he was long ago. And the show was awesome!
GREAT shows guys! Loved every moment....even though it went by too fast!
Grace and I visited Laura at her mom's house this weekend to see the little one, Baby Sydney. She is getting so big so fast and is starting to look just like her mama!
I love that last pic - you look great!!
notice the darker hair---the greys were coming in so i got rid of them!! :)
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