
The Scale

I hate the scale. I always have.

It lies. And very rarely does it tell the nice lie that you are actually lighter than you think you are. Nope, it likes to throw around 5 or 6 pounds whenever it feels like it.

But last night was weekly wei.gh in for Hubby and I. We werent very good this week at following the Poin.ts system. It's Gir.l Sc.out cookie time....how can anyone be expected to refuse a Thi.n Min.t or Sam.oa?! Seriously, people. It's cruel.

My scale liked me last night. Down 1 more pound.

So, after a month on the plan, Hubby is down 11 pounds and I am down 9.5 pounds. We have 6 weeks until a family wedding in Hous.ton so the goal is to be down 5% of our current weights before that event.

GO US! :)


-L said...

Congratulations! That's awesome :)

My mom sent me down a bunch of WW stuff that I'm going to do on my own. I just haven't gotten the motivation yet.

And I have a box of Thin Mints in the freezer right now and I can hear them calling me all the way from here!

Bri said...

The math in this post is bonkers. 5 lbs - 1 lbs - 11lbs - 9.5 lbs and then you throw a % at me? Do I look like a mathemtician :P

Congratulations babe - here's to swimsuit season and wearing heels by the pool to highlight the newly awesomeness :)

btw word verifcation is podtukpuz - which is hilarious

TeamWinks said...

Hey, that's an average of over two pounds per week. That's pretty darn good!