
The New Hot Mama Look when it comes to your Car

Saturday morning. Hubby went out early to get his car detailed. But when we walked by my car, he heard "crunch crunch crunch".

Hey! Where's my window?! It was there last night but now, nope, its gone!

OH! There it is! In my front passengeer seat and on the floor! But of course, where else would you put a window?!

That is how my weekend started. With bored teenagers who decided that breaking into my car was the best entertainment they could find. Oh, and my purse was their prize. A few hours after I found this, a police officer showed up at my door with my purse in his hands. Someone called in because they woke up to purses on their front yard. My purse wasnt good enough to keep, I guess. My cash and Palm Pilot though are gone.

And this my friends is what a Hot Mama car looks like, without a window. Who needs one of those!?

Yes, I drove my car around all weekend with a trashbag for a window. Except that I couldnt make left hand turns.......the trash bag blocked my view!!! So, this is really what it looked like from my point of view as I drove around.

Now, that is hot!


-L said...

Jeez! How irritating. I would have never thought something like that would happen in your neighborhood. So sorry about your money and palm pilot though. That's upsetting.

Guess you'll just have to have an extra drink on Thursday :)

Bri said...

Dude - I would've honked at your hotness!


TeamWinks said...

That stinks. Hope it gets fixed soon!

Jenna said...

Sorry to hear about your car...I know that's no fun. But, hey, at least you're looking stylish with that trash bag. You can actually use it if you've got trash, too. ;-)