Hey, as long as you are in the ba.th.room with baby, start the toilet training! And please note the knee high pant.yhose on the 2 1/2 year old. Her sense of fashion is spectacular!
Remember to wash your hands after th.rowing up and toi.let training!
Baby isnt feeling well so to the doctor table she goes for a blo.od pres.sure check and a listen to her heart. Seriously...the stetho.scope makes heart sounds!!
Baby, you need to take your medicine to feel all better!
Wow----what an exhausting morning. Grace just refused to sleep in her bed---apparently the top of the stairs is a much better option.
I can think of several locations in your house that would be a better option than the top of the stairs! Oh Gracey! Where did you get the s.tethoscope?
Aunt Meggie got her a whole baby check up set to help prepare her for Daddy's surgery next week.
How can you teach compassion if you don't show it? Obviously she knows how to nurture. Those are adorable photos.
Happy New Year.
she is too advanced for her own good, isn't she?
How sweet! She reminds me so much of my Grace!
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