My car was dead. In the parking lot right next to the day laborer pickup site and next door to one of the Sniper incident locations. Fun times, I tell you! My cell phone was at home....on the coffee table....not in my purse. FABULOUS (can you read the sarcasm there!?).
Anyway, after borrowing the Starbucks phone and calling my parents to rescue me (Hubby is at his post-surgery eye checkup), the car started perfectly and off to the office I went. Strange and irritating and really crappy timing.
So now, on top of preparing to leave for 9 days and for managing the largest meeting I have ever worked on, I have to deal with a dead car. I think its the alternator but am really hoping that it is something simpler and cheaper than that. Think happy thoughts for me as I bring the car to the mechanic tonight.
And now that I have described the rain in my is a touch of sunshine.....Baby Dylan, 1 day old!

Me holding Dylan. I couldnt take my eyes off him!! In all honesty, the entire experience of watching two fo my closest friends become parents has been so emotional....I got teary at my desk when the first picture of Dylan arrived in my Inbox. Its so amazing.
Tired baby boy. LOVE the newborn yawns!
1 comment:
Your hair looks great! :)
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